[Face Your Excuses] 💥The Secret to Finally Taking Action!💥

Hey Reader,

We all have reasons why we’re not doing something we want to do or even need to do. It’s perfectly normal. Sometimes simply understanding why you’re not doing it can help you figure out how to make it happen.

No wasting time we're jumping right into...

Activity Time:

1st - Let’s Break It Down

  1. Write It Down: Think of something you’ve been wanting to do but haven’t. It can be ANYTHING, from eating a healthy breakfast, to taking an art class.
  2. List Everything Stopping You: Maybe it’s a conflicting schedule, uncertainty about how to start, or something always seems to come up. Whatever it is, write it down. Every time your brain says, “I’ll start later,” jot down that reason.
  3. Face Your Excuses: This list might be long, and that’s okay. If it’s short, that’s okay too. When you think you’re done, give yourself a few more minutes to jot down a few more “excuses.” I know it sounds crazy, but I want you to face them head-on.

2nd - Find Your Solutions:

Now, it’s time to come up with a solution for every single thing stopping you from doing what you want or need to do. This is the hard part, but it’s also the most important. Dig deep and brainstorm ways to make it happen. Sometimes it’s easier than you think.

3rd - Be Prepared:

This isn’t just about getting started. Let’s take eating a healthy breakfast, for example. You wrote it down, you’re ready to do it tomorrow, and you did it! But then, a few days later, one of those things on your list comes up. Or maybe it takes a few weeks. Either way, you’ll be prepared because you already have a solution ready.

Remember, it’s okay to have reasons why you’re not doing something. What’s important is to understand them and prepare to overcome them. You’ve got this!😘

Need a Little Extra Help?

If you find yourself struggling to overcome those barriers and need a little extra help, I’m here for you. Personalized coaching and training can provide the accountability and tailored support you need to turn those intentions into reality.

Join My Online Personal Training Program!

  • Customized Plans: Tailored to your body type, fitness level, and personal preferences.
  • Flexible Scheduling: Fits into your busy lifestyle.
  • Expert Guidance: Professional support every step of the way.
  • Motivation and Accountability: Keep you on track and moving forward.

Ready to make a real change and overcome your excuses? Learn more about Online Personal Training here

Let’s do this together!


Your journey can inspire others just as it inspires you. So feel free to reply or spread the positivity with someone you know. It may be just what they need to hear! 😘

To your health & happiness!

Your Coach,


Book Your Free Empowerment Chat With Nicole

Multi-Certified Personal Trainer, Holistic Nutritionist & Health Coach

"Empowering Women to Create their Own Health & Happiness!"

P.S. Discover the power of Personalized Online Training with the ​Goddess Jumpstart program​. With Custom Workouts, your own Nutrition account, and Unwavering SUPPORT, you'll Achieve Lasting Results – and a Strong, Confident and Healthy body. ​Learn more ​and kick-start your journey today!

P.S.S. It’s absolutely amazing how ONE SMALL CHANGE can have such a MAJOR IMPACT on your body … not only today, but for years to come!

That’s why I created 5 Day Sugar Detox Challenge. It’s a 5-day program you can use to cut the added sugar from your diet – and add energy & vitality to your life! >>>Join Here!


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Hi! I'm Nicole

Over the years I have thrown alot of info into my emails. I considered taking some of my old emails and making them into blog posts and then realized I can make a newsletter feed for you to go back to or refer others to. So here it is. Of course I won't include all emails here. But, as I write, when something seems to be a very useful email with info I beleive you will want to refer back to it will go to this feed. Enjoy! 😘

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