
Hi! I'm Nicole

Over the years I have thrown alot of info into my emails. I considered taking some of my old emails and making them into blog posts and then realized I can make a newsletter feed for you to go back to or refer others to. So here it is. Of course I won't include all emails here. But, as I write, when something seems to be a very useful email with info I beleive you will want to refer back to it will go to this feed. Enjoy! 😘

woman stretching
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I like to Skip the Resolutions! <SET YOURSELF UP FOR A SUCCESSFUL 2024> 🤔

Hello Hello!! I hope you are doing AMAZING!!! It's January and... EVERYONE is setting resolutions and excited to crush their goals and make amazing changes in their lives. First off that's great!!! The amazing thing about resolutions is that often we look at areas in our lives we want to improve. Since my job is to help women reach their health and fitness goals when you have the New Years Resolution motivation it makes my job that much easier...Right? Not exactly... The biggest issue I've...

4 months ago • 3 min read
Faster Way to Fat Loss

Heya beauty! How is it going? Just checking in to see how you are doing on your fitness journey. If you are seeing results, great! If you are stagnating a little, then perhaps you need some help? Make sure to let me know! --------- Everyone is looking for a faster way to fat loss... Which usually leads to a lot of frustration However I'm not saying there isn't a faster way... There is! "Whaaaaat!!! Did I hear her right!?!?" YES! You heard me... There are 3 essential steps to stop starting and...

5 months ago • 2 min read
group of people sitting on gray concrete stairs

Hi Reader! Can you believe we're just about to say goodbye to 2023? In two weeks it will be 2024!! I started to write you an email about setting goals for the coming year. But then I thought it would be more exciting to go even BIGGER — and set a THEME for 2024. Ask yourself: What do you want this next year to be about? How do you want to feel a year from now? Setting a 2024 theme helps you shift your priorities, mindset, and actions in an easy-to-follow direction. Basically, your choices...

5 months ago • 3 min read
green and red pine cone

Hey Reader! Amidst the joyful chaos of this holiday season, one question stands out: Did you make time for your workout today? Before you shrug it off, let’s reframe the narrative. This is a busy season for so many people. Soooo... This time of year is all about balance – in your festivities, your commitments, and yes, even your workouts. Give Yourself Permission to Adapt... The pressure to maintain an intense workout routine during the holidays can be overwhelming. But guess what? It’s okay...

5 months ago • 1 min read
brass-colored candle holder on brown table

Hey Reader! Happy Hanukkah!!! If you are looking forward to your favorite holiday foods, but trying to stay healthy then it's all about simple swaps. By making a few ingredient swaps, you can indulge guilt free this holiday season. Check out 20 traditional Hanukkah dishes made healthy in this great article from Eat this Not that! I will definitely be trying out a few of these delicious recipes! Have a Happy, Healthier Hanukkah! Your journey can inspire others just as it inspires you. So feel...

6 months ago • 1 min read
a group of people sitting around a table with food

Hey Reader! I'm all about enjoying your healthy life, so that it literally becomes a part of your life. Not something you do every once in awhile or something you dread, or force your self to do. #HealthyHabits This means restrictive eating is NOT a thing. Mindful eating yes, adding in more fruits, vegetables and leafy greens yes. So enjoy all your favorites, but maybe one slice of pumpkin pie versus three. Give yourself permission to indulge. If you tell yourself you CAN'T have the things...

6 months ago • 2 min read
white ceramic mug with coffee on top of a planner

OMG Reader! I want to tell you something...And it's really important because so many people struggle with this... It's GOALS that you want to accomplish, but that are the WRONG goals... Having goals is great and important, but there are certain types of goals that can do more harm than good. So... Here are THREE goals you can ditch: 1) Needing to weigh a certain number on the scale. Seriously. It often does more harm than good. It doesn’t give you an accurate picture of your progress....

6 months ago • 1 min read
red pomegranate seeds on bowl

Hey Reader! As we approach the holiday season, it's natural to start thinking about all those delicious treats, festive gatherings, and cozy moments with family and friends. The end of the year is a time for celebration, and I wholeheartedly believe that you should savor every moment of it! But, it's also the time when many people feel they must choose between enjoying the season and staying on track with their health and fitness goals. Well, I'm here to tell you that you don't have to choose...

7 months ago • 2 min read
a person swimming in the ocean with a lot of fish

Hey Reader! So I'm gonna piggyback on a topic I mentioned on Monday. Adding in a fun activity! Are there things in your life that you’ve been wanting to do but just can’t seem to get started? It's ok to have reasons why your not doing something, we all face obstacles. The first step to overcoming them is understanding what’s stopping us. It's good to spend time thinking of all the reasons why your not doing the thing you want to do or thing you even need to do. Sometimes simply understanding...

7 months ago • 2 min read
orange and white ceramic mug near green leaf plant with brown potted

Hey Reader! Have you ever felt overwhelmed by the abundance of information on diets, fitness trends, and nutrition advice? It’s easy to get lost in the sea of knowledge, but what truly makes a difference is your mindset. Achieving your goals, whether they’re related to fitness, nutrition, or any area of life, begins with how you think. Understanding what’s truly stopping you and what motivates you is the key. Reading every article on the latest trends won’t help if it can’t get you started,...

7 months ago • 1 min read
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