[Power of Walking] 🚶Small Steps for a Healthier Life!

Hi Ladies!

I hope you’re having a fantastic day!

Today, I want to talk about something incredibly simple yet profoundly impactful – walking. Yep, that’s right, just good old-fashioned walking.

Did you know that many of the longest-living people in the world live in steep villages, like those in the Blue Zones? These folks aren’t hitting the gym for grueling workouts; instead, they’re walking… a lot. Walking uphill, walking to get groceries, walking to visit friends. It’s a natural part of their daily lives, and it’s a key factor in their longevity and health.

Here’s the deal: You don’t need to do crazy workouts to live longer and move better. Just incorporate more walking into your day. Here are some easy ways to do it:

  • Walk Every Day: Make it a habit to take a walk every day, even if it’s just for 10 minutes. Although longer is better.
  • Get Up Throughout the Day: If you’re sitting for long periods, set a timer to remind you to get up and move every hour.
  • Take the Stairs: Skip the elevator and take the stairs whenever possible.
  • Park Further Away: Choose a parking spot that’s further from your destination to sneak in some extra steps.

Not only does walking help you stay active, but it also has incredible health benefits. It can prevent many diseases, relieve stress, and improve your mood.

Now, don’t get me wrong – I’m a huge advocate for strength training. If you want a lean physique, strong bones, and increased muscle mass to protect your body as you age, strength training is key. But the foundation of a healthy lifestyle is simply moving more, and walking is one of the best ways to do that.

How I Personally added more walking into my routine: Like I mentioned, I'm a huge advocate for strength training. But I made a commitment this past spring to add more walking into my routine. (I don't have a fitness/smart watch so I have no idea how much walking I do aside from what my phone tells me when I go for a walk with my phone on me.) Aside from walking to teach my fitness classes I work from home, order groceries and wasn't doing much extra walking.

So my goal started out as 3-5k steps a day. On days when I have two bootcamps it's about 7k steps walking there and back. My first month the top of my feet hurt, even after getting new shoes. But then they went back to normal and have never hurt since. I still think was shoe related. My next goal was 7k steps a day and then the traditional 10k which in the last few weeks has become 12k-15k.

I should also mention that I walk strong. I keep my shoulders back and down, pull my bellybutton towards my spine so to speak, so my abs are working, and walk heel focused rather than toes so I can feel my glutes and hamstring working. I also listen to either a book, podcast or music depending on how much I'm actually paying attention or if I just want to zone out.

Time is a concern because as you increase how much you walk, although you do get faster, it does still take more time. I was walking very early in the morning for the summer but as the weather is getting cooler I can break it up into 30min or 45min walks. If that's still too long for your schedule do like the above tip and walk a little every hour. IT ADDS UP!


So, let’s lace up those shoes and get moving! Your body will thank you, and you’ll feel amazing.


AND if this resonates with you I'd love to hear your thoughts!

Remember, your journey can inspire others just as it inspires you. So feel free to spread the positivity with someone you know. It may be just what they need to hear! 😘

​To your health & happiness!​

Your Coach,


Multi-Certified Personal Trainer, Holistic Nutritionist & Health Coach

"Empowering Women to Create their Own Health & Happiness!"



✨ P.S. Looking to Achieve a Strong, Confident, and Healthy Body! ​The"Fall Into Fitness" 6-Week Goddess Outdoor Fitness Program​ Kicked off today Sept 23rd-Nov 1st!!! It's not too late to join and experience first hand how much More Effective and Complete this Program is than Anything you’ve tried before…

Plus, it's the perfect opportunity to transform your fitness routine and embrace a healthier lifestyle, while having a blast with a community of incredible women. You really can’t go wrong! Join us here <<​




P.S.S. It’s absolutely amazing how ONE SMALL CHANGE can have such a MAJOR IMPACT on your body … not only today, but for years to come!




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Hi! I'm Nicole

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