🌞More productive mornings and happier days!✌️[ 2 Simple Steps! ]

Hi Reader,

Have you ever noticed how small changes can completely transform your day?

One simple yet powerful habit is preparing your clothes the night before. It may seem minor, but it can significantly affect how smoothly your morning goes and how productive your entire day can be.

Why does this work?

According to research, our willpower is highest in the morning and depletes as the day goes on. By minimizing decision fatigue early in the day, you free up mental energy for more important tasks later. Imagine starting your day without the stress of choosing an outfit and scrambling to find that missing sock. Instead, you can channel that calm into preparing a healthy breakfast, fitting in a workout, or even enjoying a few extra minutes of sleep. 😌

Here are 3 steps to set yourself up for success:

  1. Plan Your Outfit the Night Before: Lay out your clothes before going to bed. This simple step can save you valuable time and reduce morning stress. According to a study by Roy Baumeister, our brains can make fewer decisions better when we simplify our morning routines.
  2. Prepare a Healthy Breakfast: Use the extra time in the morning to make a nutritious breakfast. A healthy breakfast can improve cognitive function and mood throughout the day.
  3. Set a Morning Routine: Establishing a consistent morning routine can improve your overall productivity and well-being. Include activities that set a positive tone for the day, such as exercise, meditation, or reading. Morning routines can enhance mood and increase focus throughout the whole day!

Let's finish this of with an Actionable Step! 😘

  1. Tonight, before you go to bed, take a few minutes to lay out your clothes for tomorrow.
  2. Then, set your alarm a bit earlier to enjoy a calm and organized morning.

Notice how this small change can make a big difference in your day!

Let me know if you try this out,

And remember...

Your journey can inspire others just as it inspires you. So feel free to reply or spread the positivity with someone you know. It may be just what they need to hear! 😘

To your health & happiness!

Your Coach,


Multi-Certified Personal Trainer, Holistic Nutritionist & Health Coach

"Empowering Women to Create their Own Health & Happiness!"

P.S. Ready to crush your sugar cravings and supercharge your health? Join us for the June 17th for our life-changing ​5 Day Sugar Detox​ and take the first step towards a healthier, happier you! ​Join Here!


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Hi! I'm Nicole

Over the years I have thrown alot of info into my emails. I considered taking some of my old emails and making them into blog posts and then realized I can make a newsletter feed for you to go back to or refer others to. So here it is. Of course I won't include all emails here. But, as I write, when something seems to be a very useful email with info I beleive you will want to refer back to it will go to this feed. Enjoy! 😘

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