
Hi! I'm Nicole

Faster Way to Fat Loss [3 Actionable Steps Inside] πŸ˜‰

Published 4 months agoΒ β€’Β 2 min read

Heya beauty! How is it going?

Just checking in to see how you are doing on your fitness journey.

If you are seeing results, great!

If you are stagnating a little, then perhaps you need some help? Make sure to let me know!


Everyone is looking for a faster way to fat loss...

Which usually leads to a lot of frustration

However I'm not saying there isn't a faster way...

There is!

"Whaaaaat!!! Did I hear her right!?!?"

YES! You heard me...

There are 3 essential steps to stop starting and stopping and YES they will lead to faster fat loss.

​Because it's fundamental to getting real results I wrote an article on the Goddess Blog going into detail...

​Faster Way to Fat Loss (3 Essential Steps)​


This Blog comes with 3 meal prep planners to help you prepare and stay on track!!!!


Any weight loss (or any type of fitness gains for that matter) always depends on 3 main factors.​
​1) Mindset: Your mind is the most powerful tool that you possess and if it's not fine-tuned for success, it would be much harder for you to achieve results. Here is an exercise you can do to help you achieve a successful mindset:

Outline your goals in detail, write down how you would feel when you achieve them and then put it up on the door of your fridge, so you look at them every day. This may sound silly, but trust me it works!

Knowing what you are working towards every day will keep you motivated and will keep you from falling off the wagon.


2) Exercise: There are many benefits to weight-lifting, but if it's not your thing - you don't need heavy and bulky machinery to achieve a slim and sexy physique.

You don't need to dodge heavy dumbbells that are thrown on the floor by sweaty guys at the gym.

And you don't need to spend hours on a treadmill.

What you DO need is a fun and challenging workout about 45 minutes long 3-4 times a week.

If you are already signed up for online training, you have that nailed down with the dozens of fat-burning workouts there.

Whatever exercises you do, enjoy them! Doing activities that make you happy will make you stick to the plan long term.


3) Nutrition: Eating healthy is the most important part of your fat loss journey. On the other hand, eating healthy BUT boring food everyday is tough and chances are you will be unable to keep it up long term.

It doesn't have to be this way!

Making delicious and healthy meals is possible with a little bit of creativity.

Check out some of my favorite recipes on YouTube or if you haven't already signed up the online training programs do come with meal planning ttols including full shopping list and portion control tips.

You can easily swap foods to further customize your meal plan, save your favorite recipes, track macros and plan your weekly meals so you can Meal Prep Like a Boss.

Doing all of this may sound a bit too much, but sticking to it and staying in your health zone will become a habit, just like brushing teeth!


If this resonates with you hit reply. I'd love to hear your thoughts!


And feel free to share, it may be information someone you know would love to hear! 😘

​To your health & happiness!​

Your Coach,


​Book Your Free Empowerment Chat With Nicole​

Multi-Certified Personal Trainer, Holistic Nutritionist & Health Coach

"Empowering Women to Create their Own Health & Happiness!"


P.S. Ready to make a real change and transform your health and fitness journey? Discover the power of Personalized Online Training with the Goddess Jumpstart program. With Tailored Workouts, Nutrition Guidance, and Unwavering SUPPORT, you'll Achieve Lasting Results with a Proven Plan– whether it's fat loss or overall well-being. Learn more and kick-start your journey today!



I love seeing your healthy meals and workout photos!

Keep tagging me @Nicole_celeste_82 and use #FindYourGoddess for the chance to be featured.

Hi! I'm Nicole

Over the years I have thrown alot of info into my emails. I considered taking some of my old emails and making them into blog posts and then realized I can make a newsletter feed for you to go back to or refer others to. So here it is. Of course I won't include all emails here. But, as I write, when something seems to be a very useful email with info I beleive you will want to refer back to it will go to this feed. Enjoy! 😘

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