
Hi! I'm Nicole

Over the years I have thrown alot of info into my emails. I considered taking some of my old emails and making them into blog posts and then realized I can make a newsletter feed for you to go back to or refer others to. So here it is. Of course I won't include all emails here. But, as I write, when something seems to be a very useful email with info I beleive you will want to refer back to it will go to this feed. Enjoy! 😘

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[Power of Walking] 🚶Small Steps for a Healthier Life!

Hi Ladies! I hope you’re having a fantastic day! Today, I want to talk about something incredibly simple yet profoundly impactful – walking. Yep, that’s right, just good old-fashioned walking. Did you know that many of the longest-living people in the world live in steep villages, like those in the Blue Zones? These folks aren’t hitting the gym for grueling workouts; instead, they’re walking… a lot. Walking uphill, walking to get groceries, walking to visit friends. It’s a natural part of...

Hey Reader, I hope this message finds you well! Today, I want to ask you an important question: What if you stopped wasting time looking for a quick fix? Think about it. How much time and energy have you spent chasing quick fixes for your health and fitness? Those miracle diets, magic pills, and extreme workout programs that promise rapid results but often fall short. What if, instead of chasing quick fixes, you focused on simple, sustainable habits? Imagine if you just lived a little...

Hey Reader, I want to apologize because I sent this out yesterday and when I put the link in something went wrong and it wasn't opening. It's still being really strange and changing the link everytime I send it (I sent it to my self a few times to check it.) So I'm resending the entire email, but I am going to include the registration link here in long form since something is going very wrong when I do Register Here and I'll be sure to send...

Hey Reader, I hope you're having an amazing day! Today, I want to talk about something truly important – loving yourself enough to take excellent care of your body. It’s amazing how our bodies respond when we show them the love and care they deserve. By nourishing ourselves, we can experience vibrant health and energy like never before. Love Yourself, Love Your Health Loving yourself isn’t just about feeling good mentally – it’s about taking actionable steps to ensure your body feels great...

Hey Reader, We all have reasons why we’re not doing something we want to do or even need to do. It’s perfectly normal. Sometimes simply understanding why you’re not doing it can help you figure out how to make it happen. No wasting time we're jumping right into... Activity Time: 1st - Let’s Break It Down Write It Down: Think of something you’ve been wanting to do but haven’t. It can be ANYTHING, from eating a healthy breakfast, to taking an art class. List Everything Stopping You: Maybe it’s...

Hi Reader, In today’s world, there seems to be an endless list of rules and restrictions about what you should and shouldn’t eat and what workouts are best. But here’s a refreshing truth: humans have thrived for thousands of years without all these complicated guidelines. The big difference now? We move less, and we have an abundance of processed foods at our fingertips. If we could just focus on moving more and eating real, whole foods, we'd see a massive difference in our health and...

Hey Goddess! We've all been there. You make a plan to eat healthily, get your workouts in, and stay on track. Then, a moment of weakness happens — maybe it's an unexpected dessert or skipping a workout. It's easy to think, "I messed up anyway, so I might as well give up for today." I'd be lying if I said I've never slipped into this mindset myself. It happens to all of us.🙄 But that mindset can be more damaging than the slip-up itself. Why does this happen? People often abandon their goals...

Hi Reader! I know how tough it can be to quit sugar. It’s everywhere, calling out to us in moments of stress, fatigue, or even just boredom. Believe me, I get it. I’ve been there, and I’ve felt the struggle of trying to cut back on those sweet temptations. But here's the thing – taking control of your sugar intake can truly transform how you feel every day. Imagine waking up with more energy, fewer cravings, and a clearer mind. That’s what inspired me to offer something that can help make...

Hi Reader, Have you ever noticed how small changes can completely transform your day? One simple yet powerful habit is preparing your clothes the night before. It may seem minor, but it can significantly affect how smoothly your morning goes and how productive your entire day can be. Why does this work? According to research, our willpower is highest in the morning and depletes as the day goes on. By minimizing decision fatigue early in the day, you free up mental energy for more important...

woman stretching

Hello Hello!! I hope you are doing AMAZING!!! It's January and... EVERYONE is setting resolutions and excited to crush their goals and make amazing changes in their lives. First off that's great!!! The amazing thing about resolutions is that often we look at areas in our lives we want to improve. Since my job is to help women reach their health and fitness goals when you have the New Years Resolution motivation it makes my job that much easier...Right? Not exactly... The biggest issue I've...